Friday, February 11, 2011

Introduction to Sociology - SOCI 101

Introduction to Sociology (SOCI 101) is a great class to take if you are in need of a DII course. I took the course with Dr. Rachel Kimbro, the best professor to take this course with. The subject matter was interesting and the workload never put me under any pressure. However, I have heard that the course is harder when taught by other professors, so make sure you take note of that if you decide to take the class.

The workload for the class was much lighter than average for a class at Rice. We had daily readings, but those were always easy, and the textbook was straightforward. The assignments consisted of three tests, two short papers, and a few easy in class assignments. There was no final exam.

The tests were simple, consisting of short essay responses given online through OWL-Space. As long as you knew the material you would do well. Everyone I knew in sociology got A's on the first test, with most people getting 100's on it. The standards on the test were pretty low, and if you don’t know an answer, you can make something up and get most of the points.

The papers were short five to eight page papers. The standards for the papers were just as low as for the tests. The guidelines for the first paper were spelled out step by step, and as long as they were followed, you would get a good grade.

The combination of Dr. Kimbro's interesting lectures and the lack of standards on assignments make this class a must take course. Almost everyone got A's in the class, and the ones that got B's probably got them through laziness rather than an inability to do the work well.

1 comment:

  1. This was a great read. You make the class sound so appealing.
